Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 17: Beach Day!

Even though I still wasn’t feeling 100%, today was pretty great. Our lecture this morning was run by another nurse from Mzuni, and it was about palliative care. I found it really interesting because of the cultural differences in the approach to care (for instance, they don’t tell patients an estimated time they have left to live, because it’s often incorrect and they prioritize doctor-patient trust). I also learned that in Malawi, all forms of treatment for HIV/AIDS are considered palliative care because they’re modifiers of an incurable illness. Though thinking again about that now, it’s a bit backwards because the lecturer also said that palliative care wasn’t meant to delay or hasten death, but the entire point of prescribing ARVs (the usual treatment for HIV/AIDS now) is to keep the person healthy as long as possible so they don’t die. Either way, it was very cool to learn about health care in another culture; it made me excited to maybe take this knowledge back to Canada if I get into med school.

After class, we went to Shoprite (which we’ve started calling our second home because we go there so much), which is in a strip mall. Also in that strip mall is an Airtel, which is the main service provider for cell service here. A few days ago, a local guy told us that Airtel has free Wifi. So today I got to finally get in contact with some of my friends and family! It was 4AM in Ottawa, so obviously none of them responded, but hopefully I’ll be able to hang around the Airtel again soon so I can hear from them again.

Once everyone had stocked up on beer, snacks, and Kwacha (a bunch of people exchanged some more American money), we headed to the beach! I’m pretty sure I already said this at some point, but Lake Malawi is SO BEAUTIFUL. It’s incredibly blue, and it’s so big that it looks like an ocean. We spent the afternoon and early evening on the beach, taking pictures, relaxing, and hanging out. A few people went swimming, but there’s a parasite in the lake that you need to take antibiotics for, and I wasn’t super enthused about taking antibiotics just for a swim. One of my favourite parts of the afternoon was when all these kids started hanging out with Susan, and eventually Kelsey, Susan, Laura, and I were playing with them. We taught them the Macarena and the “whip nay nay” dance. They were all super cute and it was really great to see how much fun we could have without speaking the same language.

After we got back from the beach, we dropped by Shoprite (seriously, we basically live there) and got Natalee a small birthday cake. We sang her happy birthday and it was a lovely house moment. Then we had an evening of games! We played Heads Up for a bit, then some of us played Dutch Blitz. But we got distracted partway through Dutch Blitz because some of the others had started playing a game where one person where’s headphones with the music on loud, while other people say things to them and the person has to guess what they’re saying. It’s HILARIOUS. I’ve never been good at reading lips, but this was a whole new level of bad. I spent probably the first minute just staring at Aileen and laughing so hard I was crying because I couldn’t even begin to guess what she was saying.

I’m pretty tired, though I’m feeling a bit better since I had a real meal for dinner tonight (last night, dinner was a banana, and breakfast today was also a banana… and both times, it made my stomach hurt, so I’m enjoying being able to eat food without being in pain). I was pretty pooched after the beach since it was a lot of social time and a lot of time in the sun, though I still haven’t gotten burnt!!!

Tomorrow after class, we’re hoping to hang around the university for a bit, which will hopefully mean we’ll get connected to the Wifi there! I’m pretty excited about that, especially combined with the newfound free Wifi at Airtel, because it means I can check in with people almost daily.


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