Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 24: Lacking Creativity for a Title Again

I’m officially out of clean shirts. I’m seriously considering just biting the bullet and being gross for the next week because really, who needs clean clothes anyway?

Class was not super engaging today; we talked about the role of migration in the spread of HIV/AIDS. Most of it is pretty intuitive, so I don’t feel like I learned a ton. Oh well, not every class can be phenomenal!

After class, we went into town in groups for lunch, and after lunch my group went back to the Swahili Market. I led the group there, since people have realized that I have a pretty good sense of direction. We shopped for a bit, and Sally, Natalee, and I got separated from the group. We headed over to the Internet café and spent the remainder of our afternoon there. I got to talk to my mom and sister, which was lovely.

Today marks two weeks since McMaster started sending out acceptances. With each day that passes, I’m getting more and more convinced that this isn’t going to happen for me this year. I’m trying to stay grounded in my faith and remember that it might just not be God’s plan for me right now, but that’s pretty challenging. I’m looking forward to having my support system back when I go home. I sent an email to McMaster this afternoon and they’re so prompt at responding to emails that I got a response almost immediately. It turns out that I could technically get offered a spot as late August 29th…So I’m gonna be checking my email pretty intently for the foreseeable future.

Marlo, Mary, and Kelsey were also at the internet café, so the 6 of us walked home together. At one point, I was telling Mary about how the part from The Incredibles where Edna says “No capes!” is often referenced in the Quidditch world, and Marlo tuned in just as I was imitating Edna, and said, “That reminds me of Edna from The Incredibles!” I’m not doing a good job of explaining why this was funny, so we’ll just settle on acknowledging that apparently my Edna impression is on point. It got a bit chilly, but walking here at sunset is one of my favourite things; it’s incredibly beautiful with the changing light, and the gradient in the sunset is always astounding. We got home just before dark, had dinner, and watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians. It’s become quite the joke in our house, because it’s always on and it’s an easy thing to have on while we’re all chatting. Tonight Alex joked that when people ask how we feel when we get back, we should just respond “cultured.” No need to tell them that we spent almost every evening watching TV about the Kardashians…

The whole class now knows that I’m writing a blog, and today Natalee joked that when people ask her what she did in Malawi, she’ll just tell people to read my blog. I still have a hard time believing that anyone other than my family and close friends would put themselves through reading these, so if you don’t fall into one of those categories, thanks for giving up time in your life to read about my evenings watching TV about the Kardashians! I’m still trying to write as honestly as possible, which is largely accomplished by not thinking about who might be reading them.


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