Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 18: Rollercoaster Day

Today started with another guest lecture, though this one was a bit less awesome than the others. Today’s was on Community Home-Based Care. Something that most of us have noticed is that the guest lecturers don’t really answer the questions we ask. Natalee assumes that it has to do with the cultural differences in health care and that we ask questions from a Canadian perspective but they don’t have the context to answer it. Hopefully that didn’t come off as paternalistic, because I didn’t mean it to be. That’s been a struggle the whole week, though today it was frustrating because the lecture itself was also dry. Paul also left for the entire lecture, while he stayed for the other two, which I thought was odd.

After the lecture, a bunch of us got dropped off at the good internet café that I’d heard tell of. You can get 3 hours of internet for just over a dollar Canadian, not too shabby! I’ll definitely be heading there every once in awhile, especially because they have great hot chocolate. I got to answer a bunch of camp emails, send some Facebook messages, put up all my blog posts, upload some pictures, and talk to 3 of my loved ones on the phone. It was excellent! Though I’ve also noticed that having internet made me want more internet; it’s surprising how easy it is to get sucked back into it.

We had the shuttle, so we got dropped back at home. I spent the afternoon doing school work. Not too exciting. The evening was sullied by some course-related frustrations, which I’m not going to include (after a fair amount of thought) because I avoid saying negative things about other people, especially on the internet. It made for a tense environment, but we watched some TV as a house and relaxed a bit. Tomorrow we’re going to the beach…again? I’m trying to go with the flow. I’m a bit negative at the moment so I’m just gonna stop here. A good night’s sleep will set me straight!


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