Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29: On the road again!

I slept so well. I’m very pleased about that. Last night, I went around to most people’s rooms and said goodbye, but I didn’t know where Pat and Adam’s room was, and Chelsea and Bissy were still in town, so I was worried that I wouldn’t get to say goodbye to them all. Luckily, Pat and Adam were at breakfast when I arrived this morning, and Chelsea and Bissy walked by as I was waiting for my taxi, so I got to say goodbye to everyone. I also enjoyed chatting with Adam and Pat at breakfast, since they also lived at the other house and I didn’t get to know them as well as those at the Oasis.

I was struck again this morning by how astoundingly cheap everything is here. My lunch and dinner yesterday, hotel for the night (with a king-size bed to myself – glorious), and 20-minute taxi ride to the airport cost a total of $45USD.

Right now I’m sitting in the Nairobi airport, in the midst of a 10-hour layover. I thought about leaving the airport to explore, but I’d need a visa, and between the cost and hassle (especially since I don’t know how much time/money it would take to get into town/ back here later), I decided not to go out. So I’m hanging out…I’ve got about 8.5 hours left. I bought internet, which was a good life choice even though it was a bit expensive ($6USD for 12 hours…).

I’m a total nerd…I’m pretty sure everyone reading this knows that, but I decided to include that as a disclaimer in case someone was somehow unaware. The end of my trip into Nairobi consisted of me realizing that a lot of countries end in the letter ‘a’, and subsequently making a list of countries on my phone, sorted into categories. Those ending in each vowel (including ‘y’) have their own categories, then there are categories for “ending in ‘land,’” and “other.” It’s worth noting that I’m using the English name for each of the countries for consistency, though I made an exception for Cote D’Ivoire since many English speakers Anglicize that rather than saying Ivory Coast. I was pretty pleased that I managed to name over 50 countries in about 10 minutes without internet. And I confirmed my assertion that a lot of countries end in the letter ‘a.’ I’ll probably continue playing this game once I finish this post and get bored of using the internet.

I got really excited because not long before we landed in Nairobi, a peak reached above the clouds, and it looked similar to the pictures I’ve seen of Kilimanjaro. After looking at a world map (and doing my best to not look at country names… Luckily, I already had Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya, which were the ones that mattered for this exercise), it’s totally feasible that it was Kili! It was gorgeous, though I’m sure it’s more impressive from the ground. I was particularly excited about seeing it because Mars is planning to climb it in February 2017, and I knew she’d be pleased that I saw it.

I was expecting that after 3 weeks of being around people all the time, I’d enjoy the solitude of travelling alone. Instead, I’m finding that I’m missing being around my classmates. Luckily, there’s talk of having a get-together at some point this summer. I’ll also stay in touch with many of them, I expect. But this was a truly unique experience, and it’s unlikely that all 18 of us will be all together again.

I could continue to write and rant, but I don’t think I really have anything worthwhile to write about, so I’m gonna sign off.

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