Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 19: I'm so tired

I didn’t sleep well last night. We had a crazy rainstorm, and metal roofs make for really loud rainfall. I was also really warm, so my sleep was pretty disrupted. It probably didn’t help that people I know (luckily not the people closest to me) were dying quite often in my dreams last night. Either way, I didn’t wake up in the best mood. It’s too bad, because I was hoping to shake last night’s funk since I’ve been in such a great mood the whole trip so far.

The day started off with a class where Paul gave us some feedback on our assignments. I’ve been pretty nervous about these assignments because they’re both vague and very specific. I got anxious today about my mark in the class potentially affecting my future (if I’d gotten into med school by now I wouldn’t worry, but with each day that passes, it’s seeming more likely that I won’t be getting in this year. I’m trying to keep chipper about it, but it’s also reality). It turned out that tomorrow was the last day to drop the course without it showing up on my transcript, so I dropped the course today. It’s a bit bizarre, since I’ll still be doing all the work and going to all the classes. I guess it’s like I’m auditing the course. To me, this makes a lot of sense since I don’t need the course for my degree, and I came here for the experience and learning rather than the grade anyway, so I’ll be able to focus more on those if I’m not stressing about my grade. I told Paul that I dropped the course and he seemed okay with it, though he’s not a particularly expressive person, so it’s hard to tell. He said it shouldn’t cause any problems.

The weather wasn’t good enough to go to the beach in the end; apparently the beach we were supposed to go to is in a rainforest-y area, so it’d be very wet after last night’s storm. I wasn’t too upset about that since I wasn’t super energetic. After class, most of us wandered into town to the internet café again. They have really yummy samosas! Natalee and I started doing research on the logistics of doing a safari next weekend before we leave. Paul’s been trying to work on a safari for us, but most places that we’re likely to see anything exciting, we’d need to travel far enough that we’d have to stay overnight. So Natalee and I are looking into going off on our own to see some wildlife! That might be the highlight of my trip if it works out; I love animals and Natalee and I get along really well, so it’d be interesting and fun to travel just the two of us.

This afternoon/ evening, we've all just hung out at the Oasis. Paul organized another BBQ, so we’ve been eating, drinking (Paul restocked our beer fridge. Natalee joked that it was the end of prohibition, since after last weekend he said he wouldn't be restocking it for awhile), playing games, and hanging out. Now that I’m feeling a bit better, Kelsey and I resumed our workouts (joined by Laura!), though I noticed how the sickness of the past few days took a toll on my fitness.

Since I’m tired, I’m sitting in bed writing this at 8:30PM…Livin’ it up, really. Tonight’s going to be an early night for me. That’s all I’ve got to say about today J

Added later: I forgot to include a fun anecdote from earlier today! We were walking to town, which includes a walk past a school. As usual, our presence prompted a chant of “Azungu! Azungu!” I think Azungu and Mazungu are interchangeable, but I’m not sure. However, this time, the chorus of shouts went, “Azungu, Azungu, Azungu China!” The reason why this was funny was because Pat was with us; Pat is half Thai and half Irish…not at all Chinese. But we just thought it was funny that Pat got special mention.


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