Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30: Can you experience human withdrawal?

I’ve been travelling on my own for about 24 hours now, and it’s surprising me how much I’m craving human interaction. I may be more extraverted than I previously thought. I got to call both my parents yesterday and talked to a bunch of people on Facebook chat, but I really want to speak with another human being in person.

I don’t think I got to sleep on my flight last night. As soon as I realized that I was in a centre seat, I gave up on any dreams of getting a decent night’s sleep. That being said, Mars still gets the award for being da real MVP for suggesting that I get an inflatable neck pillow.

Since I’m tired, my layover in Amsterdam has been pretty low-key…I’ve mostly just hung around, killing time. I was pretty disappointed that I didn’t get to have any stroopwafels when I was here the first time, though, so I picked up a small box of those. They’re essentially waffle cookies with caramel filling. I haven’t eaten any of them yet, but I’m pumped.

I think it’s going to take more time for me to really grasp the impact this experience has had on me, so I’m not going to write any reflective things for the time being.

I’ll be in Ottawa in a little over 12 hours!!!! YAY

Noteworthy: last night in the Nairobi airport, I went to the restaurant there for food, and I had a quesadilla and ice cream. I was unable to find good ice cream in Malawi (I have pretty high standards), so I was really excited when the ice cream was delicious. It's all about enjoying the little things :)


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